Pregnant and Parenting Students and Partners

As a sign of Providence College’s commitment both to its Catholic and Dominican mission and to the inherent dignity of every human life, we offer this resource site for any of our students or partners who find themselves pregnant or parenting during their time of studies. We want to accompany you on this journey recognizing how difficult and stressful it can be at times, and knowing, all too well, that you will need our support. As Pope Francis reminds us, what “we are speaking of is an attitude of the heart, one which approaches life with serene attentiveness, which is capable of being fully present to someone without thinking of what comes next” (Laudato Si, 226). As you look over these pages, please be assured that this is our stance with you: one of serene attentiveness—to be fully present to you and what you may need during this time. Choosing the gift of life places you in a unique connection and link with the divine process of creation and Providence College stands ready to walk with you in this new unfolding vocation within your own life.

Tiffany Gaffney

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs | Associate Dean of Students

Kevin Hillery

Associate Director of Residence Life

Dr. Mary Harmon

Associate Professor of Psychology