Dining Services

The Dining Services team will gladly work with students to meet dietary needs and are usually able to meet the needs of most students.  Questions regarding recipes and dietary needs can be addressed by emailing PC Dining Services at pcdining@providence.edu or calling 401.865.2663.

After contacting PC Dining Services, if a student finds that they are not able to accommodate their requirements, a accessibility accommodation request is required.  This involves the following steps:

  1. Complete the Accommodations Application linked in the “Request an Accommodation” section of the Accessibility Accommodations website. This application includes a request for documentation of the need for Dining Accommodations, which requires verification of the individual’s disability from a physician, psychiatrist, social worker, or other mental health professional, who is not a family member or a Providence College employee.
  2. If the accommodation is approved, arrange a meeting time, by phone or in person, to discuss your needs in detail with the dining services Registered Dietitian or the Health and Wellness Coordinator in Dining Services.

Additional information can be found on the dining services website.

Non-Academic Accessibility Accommodations

Dean of Students Office | Slavin Center 104