Parental Notification Guidelines

Providence College works closely with students to support their academic and social success, which, in certain situations, may involve having conversations with parents/guardians. Generally, the College considers our students to be capable of and responsible for managing their education and making informed decisions, often with guidance from faculty, staff, and parents.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), of 1974, as amended, is a federal law that protects the privacy of personally identifiable information in student educational records. With limited exceptions, private information from student records cannot be disclosed without student consent. Exceptions to this nondisclosure provision exist for health and safety emergencies.

For additional information about the criteria the Dean of Students Office uses to determine when communication with a parent/guardian is necessary, please review the Parental Notification Guidelines for the Dean of Students Office.

The Dean of Students Office

Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Slavin 201